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Sumer 2023

Justin McConnell | Published on 8/2/2023

Hello everyone, I just wanted to take a quick moment of your time in a very busy and sometimes stressful part of the year in our industry to talk about some of things that we at times overlook or think “Oh that won’t happen to me.”


As the summer of 2023 has kicked off and started off rolling, we in Michigan have experienced a lot in the short months. A record drought. Wildfire smoke and poor air quality that came with it all. This making it difficult to work in for an extended period. As much as we would like to stay nose down and to the grindstone we also need to learn how to step back, take the breaks as needed. I understand that I sound like a mother telling grown adults what to do but I am just looking out for everyone’s best interest is all.


I am linking an article from Sports Turf magazine talking about the dangers on the sun and what precautions you should take when working outside. I encourage you to take a minute and looking at this article. 2019apr.pdf (


I found this article using the website TGIF (Turfgrass Information File.) This is a great educational tool that helps you with just about anything that you can think of in our field. I will also be linking that here. Accessing the Turfgrass Information File | Turfgrass Information Center | <a href='/tgif/search'>Turfgrass Information File (TGIF)</a> (


We at MiSFMA here all here to help one another this is a tight knit group that share the same goal weather we are in the professional or just doing things on the side at a little league field. Don’t be afraid to reach out to someone, there is no such thing as a stupid question. That’s how we learn and become better in our careers.


As I wrap up, again, please look out for yourself and your staff. Stay safe, drink your water. Smell the roses once and a while. Look at your facility through the eyes of the user and say to yourself, yes you are doing a great job. Don’t hang your head on the crooked line, we all are in this together. Have a wonderful rest of your summer and take care.


Justin McConnell

Head of Grounds at St. Johns Public Schools